The Pledge

To the Nation:

The pledge of TSF administration to the nation is that its existence is as an “IMPERATIVE BRIDGE” in order to share the burden of the government in distributing such vital measures for practicable utilization by the people. Moreover, it persists as an instrument to contribute long term and low cost money through its mission and thereby to make an effective Participation in the “Economy of the Nation”.

To the People:

In compliance to its Vision and Mission, the pledge of TSF administration to the people that the providence of Sheer-life by means of its ideal concept that is identical to its Pentacle Vision so that the goal of life could be achieved to the greater extent. Accordingly, TSF is implementing such welfare measures and secured investment measures from the Governance source to its Beneficiaries of all sorts. TSF administration determines to predominate sheer-livens among the society through enrollment of beneficiaries. Meanwhile they are distinguished as so-called sheer-livens and adorned with a personalized name prefix as SLn.

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