Welcome to the World of Sheer Life!

The Sheer-Life Foundations of India

“The Sheer-Life Foundations of India” (TSF) is the first of its kind prime common administrative infrastructure in the world to provide its members and their families a “Sustainable Family Economy” through its Pentacle Vision “SHEER” in Penta “A”


The Perceptions of TSF

Happy Service

The performance of the whole world is moving on by the discreet services within countries and with reciprocated


Benefits From TSF

The Benefit

The proposals of TSF-Administration assure the fallowing benefits for lifetime through the central


Aim of Life

Social harmony influences various aspects in life and one cannot live isolated. While fulfilling feeding, clothing, and sheltering, yet life has to face many


The Pledge

The pledge of TSF administration to the nation is that its existence is as an “IMPERATIVE BRIDGE” in order to share the burden of the government


Pentacle Mission

To ensure societal education is in Attainable for progressive harmony towards harmonious living as well to ensure the formal and professional education as
