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For Action
To execute the “I SEE U" Program (Integrated Socio-Economic and Environmental usage Program) of the TSF that is to support Education, Health, Disabled persons, Hygiene, Awareness Camps etc.,
To establish and run “SENIOR’S ABODE” by TSF that is to preserve elderly citizens who do not have any caretakers.
To form and organize “VATIC ASSOCIATION” (VOLUNTARY ARMY TO TACKLE IDEAL LIFE CAMPAIGN) - that is to consist with TSF members as response potency with preparedness for the life performance from birth to death and cheer up their family in all such nostalgic events that falls in the day to day life by means of its Agenda “Vatic Vision-27”.
To establish “SAFE CAMPS” that is to restore the victims of natural calamities and accidents and in addition, to reinstate them with their normal life.
To establish "HOME OF FORSAKEN" that is to revamp the life of forsaken children and aged persons. In addition, place such children in the main stream of social life.
To disseminate the rational and reconciliatory themes of TSF by the campaign called “Arrow” (Absolute Rationalism Reconciliatory Operations Worldwide” towards the transformation of practicable lifestyle to Global community as a whole.
To establish “PEOPLES’ GENERAL SUPPLIES” network that is with immense potentiality to make supplies of essential commodities in home needs in order that the ideology of TSF known as “Sustainable Absolute Family Empowerment” is applied with.
To rejuvenate “PEOPLE HOSPITAL" theme of TSF that is with massive relativity and modusponens optimistic probability in establishing nationwide network Hospitals with world class medical facilities.
To publish a by-monthly magazine called "Family Empowerment" to share the activities and programs of TSF among the public at large.
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